The train will depart every 12 hours from each land (twice a day) at 00:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC. The train capacity is 14 999 kg. The user can have no more than 4 orders at a time, and orders cannot be merged.
The minimum transportation order can be as small as 10 кg, the maximum ones can reach 5000 кg and remember, Gold cannot be transferred by the railway. The transportation orders can be registered before the train departure at -01/-01 location. The price of transportation is determined with a gold/kg сoefissient. Players will decide how much they want to pay to transport their cargo, and the highest paying orders will go first. Any cargo remaining will wait for the next train. Also, if the last transportation order contains more cargo than the free space available, it will be fully transported anyway.
Select in your own Central Storage what you want to transport and click the "Transfer" button, then you need to indicate the "Recipient name", "Price per 1 kg" and the "Amount".
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