Constructing the railway
- Deliver all necessary materials and resources to the Central Storage on the plot -1/-1. Pass them to the State through the buying orders in the shop. Try to coordinate with your alliance.
- Create a building job order. Any citizen can do it after all materials needed for the current building stage are available in the Central Storage.
- Complete all jobs and repeat for the next stage. Construction process consists of 3 stages. Complete these stages to get the finished building. First, make sure that you have all the required resources and materials to start the construction process. You can hire additional workers if you don't have enough free hands or necessary tools. Create an order to do so.
Stage 1- Construct a sturdy train platform, capable of loading and unloading large amounts of materials and resources from the train cars coming from other lands. Construction time 6666h 40min
Trains may depart only after the completion of the railway, however, trains may arrive at a railway station after at least 1 stage of building is completed. To transfer items on the railway between lands , make a "Transportation order". The orders can be placed before the train departs, and those with a higher price will have a higher priority in the queue. The price to transport items is determined with a gold/kg ratio. Gold cannot be transported by the railway. Too many Banditos.

Below you can see Railway Station construction stages.

Here you can see at what stage the Government procurement of building materials for the construction of the Railway is now(-01/-01).

Through the "Government procurement" you can contribute your building materials for the construction of the Railway.

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