Grand Land is going to be the first green map on WAX and contain 70,000,000 PGL. It will consist of 10,000 plots (100x100), with an additional row of free plots around the perimeter (404 plots overall) and State Buildings at the center of the map (9 plots). Those 404 plots are permanently free, ineligible to be owned by anyone, yet open to nomads and beginners. So, newcomers who own no plots will still be able to explore and mine resources within the free land. Each plot, (except the State plots and free land around the perimeter), will be reserved per the corresponding NFT. The owner of that NFT is entitled to the resources on that plot. To Explore your plot you will be able to send your workers to your plot and learn which resources (stone, wood, clay, iron ore, coal) the plot contains and how much. Except for gold.
In order to ensure a long and effective existence of the Grand Land, and to enable the best conditions for the functioning of stable and profitable businesses here, we had to change the mining coefficients for all resources. In contrast, the aggregate amounts of all the resources (except gold) have been increased compared with the numbers announced previously. We would like to highlight that changes are not going to affect mining coefficients within the old lands: Wild West (EOS) and Yukon (WAX).
So, mining coefficients are another crucial difference between the Grand Land and previous Prospectors lands. The next graph describes mining coefficients and general amounts per resource.
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