Tools are necessary equipment for every worker. Without the proper tools, workers can only carry loads. Other tasks are either done very slowly or become impossible at all. All in all, there are seventeen different tools in The Prospectors reality: shovel, spade, pickax, hammer, sledgehammer, axe, saw, gold pan, chisel, pan, spoon, basket, kettle, rake, nail puller, plane tool and garden knife. The primary characteristic of a tool is its durability. While fulfilling some work with the tool, it wears off, and its durability reduces.
A Tools Lifetime
As gold seekers vigorously work with their tools, the wear and tear will decrease the lifespan until the tool becomes unusable. Every tool in the Prospectors world has a defined lifetime. The most durable tools are those which are produced in specialized Tool workshops (100 hours). Tools which are distributed through any promotions can have different lifespan according to the terms specified in the promo. If a player buys a tool that’s been ‘used’ by another player, that tool will have a decreased lifespan. Always be sure to check the duration left on a tool before purchasing. You can check this characteristic on the tool page when you decide to buy any.
Tasks that do not require tools. Without the tools, a worker can carry loads, explore deposits and extract all resources except for gold. To mine gold, a worker needs a pickax and gold pan.
Tasks that require tools. During most types of works, one will need various instruments in different combinations. A worker can hold up to two tools simultaneously. Additional tools can be kept in the backpack.
Equipping a worker with tools. Before you start fulfilling some task, make sure your worker has the necessary tools. For that, click on the worker’s icon. The tools in the worker’s hands are visible in the left top corner of his symbol. If you want to change the tool, click the one in the worker’s hand and “Put aside,” and then choose the necessary tool in the tab “Backpack” and click “Take.” If you don’t have a tool required for this particular type of work, your worker cannot fulfill the task.
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