A land unit in Prospectors is called a plot, and this is how the map is divided, into plots. To go to a plot, click on its image on the map. Plots can be free, yours, rented by other players and blocked. Every land parcel has its own coordinates. We use them for plot identification or search. You can also give your plot a name, which makes it easier for you or another player to search for that plot.
Objects on a plot: 1)Above-ground resources
Stone, wood, coffee beans and moss are referred to as “above-ground resources” and you can see them on the map. The amount of those resources on the plot is known.
2)Four deposits of underground resources
There are four possible deposits of underground resources on each free plot: gold, iron ore, coal and clay.
The resources and quantity will be known only after someone conducts research on that plot.
You can conduct the research of deposits of all resources, except gold, with the appropriate tools or with bare hands. A Quarry or mine can be constructed above the deposit to improve the efficiency of mining. So after you make the building, you will be able to extract the proper resource using just this building.
3)"Rent" board
If you see the "Rent" board on a plot, this plot is free and available to rent. Click on it to rent the plot and have the exclusive rights for mining, building, secure storing or to make business there. In the "Rent" window, you can look over the current market price for the plot and rent it for the chosen period.
You should continue to pay the rent on time. Otherwise, your plot will be arrested and then confiscated.
If you see the "Info" board instead of the "Rent" board, this area is already occupied by another player.
4)"Jobs" board
All current jobs located on the plot are listed here. You can check out the details of each task, for example, the salary and duration, and then hire your worker for any job for a period you chose.
5)Local storage
All extracted resources, materials, and tools from this plot are stored here. Only the owner or the renter of the plot has the right to use the storage. If the land parcel is a free plot, then all items left here will appear in the local storage and anyone can look over its contents. Anyone can take things from the storage on a free plot. If you are extracting resources on a plot, they will appear in the local storage of that plot.
The total amount of local storage is limited. You can move anything from the storage to the backpack, sell or use for your purposes.
The store is your place to do business on your plot. Selling anything from raw materials to finished products, vehicles, or any resources, will be done here. Simply click on your store and list the items you want to sell and the cost, and your order will be on the marketplace for all to see.
You can also list the items you would like to buy in your store as well. Then anyone can see your order and come sell you those goods, and this way you can get your goods delivered.
As well, the store is where you will do business on someone else’s plot. Either buying goods there, or selling them goods will all take place at the store. Of course, once you buy an item, you will have to pick it up from the storage on that plot. Click the store to select the goods you bought and pass them to your worker on that plot.
The store is a really useful thing if you don't want to waste your time on transportation and are looking for any needed items nearby.
7)Hut for workers
Click on the hut to see all the workers who are on the plot at the moment. All workers on the plot will be shown displayed not just your workers but workers of other players too.
8)Building on a plot
A building plot is a place where you can construct a building and appears on the land parcel after it has been rented. A player can construct only one building on a plot. If the parcel has above-ground resources, the construction will be possible only after the land is cleared from stone and forest. Click on the building plot to go to the Academy, and choose which architecture to construct.
Every plot has a place just for one building, each with some useful purpose. Some of the buildings, like mines and quarries, are for resources extraction while other buildings are for processing raw materials. There are also buildings for manufacturing tools and vehicles.
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