In the Bank, every Prospectors citizen can convert their mined gold into the “in-game” gold. In order for a citizen to convert mined gold into gold on his account, his worker has to bring mined gold in his backpack to the Bank. The minimum amount to convert to PGL is 1000 gold (1000 gold = 1PGL). Then the player should confirm the action of conversion.
Every world has a Central Bank and Private Banks. All Banks have different fees for their services. The commission at the Central Bank is fixed and amounts to 10 % of the amount of convertible gold. In Private Banks citizens may convert mined gold into gold on their accounts with a chosen commission. Each Bank, which is a private enterprise, can choose the commission it will charge from every transaction within limits provided by State.
You can convert at Central Bank.
Or choose any bank that you like and come to the site where it is located.
You can see the list of Private Banks below.
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